Friday, June 10, 2011

Very Naughty

Again, I just don't know what I'm doing wrong.  I decided last weekend to give up on potty training.  The fight is not worth the stress and agrivation on me.  I've said it before and I'll say it again- I despise potty training even more then I dislike the every 3 hour infant stage.  At least an infant knows no better.  A semi-potty trained toddler knows full well what they are doing.  Up til last week at the point of giving up, my red headed monster was, a say semi-trained.  Generally he would at least hold it till we brought him to a toilet.  And I'm convinced he almost fully understood the sensations associated with going.  But inh is strong willed hed headed manner was refusing to catch onto even attempting to read his body signals, thus making me give up.  I felt like after a

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Potty Training

I must admit I despise potty training more than I dislike the newborn, up every 2 hours stage.  So add potty training to a red-headed, strong willed child and I am not a happy mother.  Now, if I can say so myself, I am doing a really good job at keeping my patience in check. 

So here is the most recent, as in 10 minutes ago, episode.
He apparently did not want to try to go potty at the moment, as my husband is telling him it is time.  A quick chace around the living room chair, and he is carried to the bathroom and placed on the toilet.  We use a kids potty seat that sits on the big toilet seat, and has the little cup attached to the front to prevent pee from going everwhere.  I had my hands in the dish water, finishing up after dinner.  Hubby wanted to read the paper in peace apparently, so upon sitting him on the toilet, and the cring and whining commencing, he closed the bathroom door.  So currently it is 7:30ish, and red-head has not gone potty since waking up from nap at 4:30ish; meaning there is a very high chance that he should have to go, just needs the proper pursuasion and company, possible book reading while on the potty.  But here we have gone and pissed the little guy off, by makinghim try when he didn't want to and now closing the door.  Double whammy equals pee all over his shirt and the bathroom floor.  Oh, yeah; he did.  Yes, he refused to sit on the seat correctly and put his penis under the pee cover and has now peed all over himself and my bathroom.   AGH!!!!

Are you understanding my hatred of potty training yet?

Some of my frustration comes from that fact that I'm pretty sure he could totally be trained.  He fully knows when he is or has gone pee or poo.  Some people say, just wait it out.  They will practically train themselves once they are ready.  But I ask you:  have you ever changed a dirty diaper off a toddler?  I won't go there.  I am ready to be done with that, and he is almost 3.

So he is he refusing?  Well, I guess if I had that answer I wouldn't be stuck in the potty training rutt.  My plan of attack:  to keep at it.  I was on my third attempt before I got my first son trained.  One thing I learned is to power thru.  If I wouldn't have given up the first two times, he would have done it.  Maybe allow him to run around commando.  Keep my patience and humility.  Be slow to anger. 

And, now this sounds like a plan of attack that could be applied to more then just potty training.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Am I failing?

This idea started last night after my middle child (the red-head) threw a fit at bedtime that lasted 1 1/2 hours.  This was my idea to blow of some steam, to rant, to pray in written words, somewhat anonomously.  But this morning it has turned into an issue with my 9-month old. 

I feel like I'm failing. 

This morning she has done nothing but cry and scream, after throwing up some banana she choked on.  I know she is tired but she won't lay down and go to sleep.  Which is always the problem once they learn to pull up to standing.  She knows very well how to sit down, but for whatever reason she is not lettign go this morning.  I tried rocking, wraping her up, rubbing her back, and keeping my hands on her while she lays in her crib. 
Now I'm having a melt down of my own.  I know my children.  Yet, why do I feel like I'm not doing something right?  What am I missing?  I know she is tired, I know she is teething therfore probably a little extra cranky.  I put some orajel on her gums to try to sooth the immediate pain. I hear quite?  It has been over an hour that this has been going on.  Now don't misunderstand; I did not let her cry for an hour.  I was there with her every few minutes, tring to soothe and calm her down.  Oh, wait, no.  In all my is time to go try again.